Saturday, November 26, 2005

Stories Component Update - 26/11/2005

The stories component have been updated so that users will be able to use the built-in WYSIWYG editor from the mambo core instead of the troublesome custom editor. This means more stability and cross-browser compatibility.

Plus, enhanced feature like picture linking and direct copy-paste functionality from a word processor like MS Word.

P/S: the menu section has been updated to show the latest stories in the module. This is dynamically done.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Minor Update - 11/10/2005

There were some glitches in the profile component which is linked to the global register not showing properly in the variables. I have detected 2 users suffering from this issue. A quick fix has been added to prevent further error.

Note these are a few system fix/updates :-
1) The Un-Register component has been updated to remove Private Messages as well as shoutbox msg (if any). It now cleans the profile section, content, user tables, thumbnail pictures and session variables after a user has exited from the system.

2) The Fullview Profile section has been moved to a new php file. This greatly reduce the load on the backend component because the main profile file is rendered less frequently and shrinking the file to a smaller and more managable chunks.

3) A small new security validation mechanism for the user profile age. This prevents users from entering the wrong info into the database and protects data contamination.

4) A validation mechanism for the biography section to prevent account misuse.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Major Update - 11/10/2005

There are a few new feature as well as a more streamedlined flow system for the user experience :-

1) Template change - New Look
- The template have been changed to provide a better look for mychub. This template is a rendition of the original mychub design but now have been optimised with a better look and feel.
2) User Profile - Delete Picture
- By popular request, a feature to allow user to delete their pictures in the profile have been added. However, deleting picture will prevent them from messaging other users.

3) User Profile - Picture Review/Authorisation
- An automated feature to suspend user from uploading copyrighted, children or cartoon pics. This enhances the abuse prevention of the system.

4) Frontpage - Scrolling Profile
- The frontpage have been given a facelift with a scrolling profile feature. This provides a longer 'attention span' and discourage existing user from hogging the top 3 places. Currently, the scroll spans across 30 most active users.

5) Session TimeOut
- A nifty feature to make sure users and logged in securely. After a period of inactivity, the site will pop-up a warning to continue the session and after a certain period will logoff the user automatically. This tool is essential for user who are logged from a Cybercafe and forgot to logoff.