Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Quality Control Check & Security Update
Issues found and fixed ....
1. Javascript vunerabilities found - fixed & patched (30/11/2004) - RISK HIGH
- Issue: The Java module was not properly initiated and caused security issues when using Firefox browsers ( & other non-IE browser) resulting in users being able to download unauthorised pictures.
- Solution: Updated the java module to the latest release and patch the corresponding module to prevent URL leaking.
2. Certain browser cannot initiate login (esp. Mac Safari) - pending - RISK VERY MINIMAL
- Issue: Certain browser cannot read the URL well and requires as minimal redirection as possible.
- Solution: Cross-browser module in progress to initiate safe mode section.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Coming soon...
These are notes for myself to do for the next upgrade:-
1. Browse member listing in 3 x 6 format and/or with variable format such as www.bearwww.com
2. New template - the current one is becoming quite a bore.. or at least until i could code a dynamic template which follows the user preference.
3. Flash modules.. need some good animation on the newsflash module.
3. MyCartoon section needs to be upgraded.. maybe i need to code a new gallery module with pop-up window so readers can read the cartoons... perhaps with pdf function too so they also could print it.
Thursday, November 25, 2004
New Optimized MyRadio Module !!!
Now you can listen to your favorite radio station while you surf Mychub.ORG
You can turn it on or off at anytime you want.!!! With a new window showing what's currently playing. If you like the song, grab "emule" or "kazaa lite" and download it for your future pleasure.
Courtesy of Gaydarradio.com
Best to listen at late nights and when ur feel like swinging your booty to a little jive!!
e.g: www.mychub.org/gemukchub
With this nifty feature, you can send ur picture/profile to other chat users.
And they don't necessarily be a mychub member at all.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
More updated modules...
1. MyPMS module - now you can click on a username and view his profile right from the inbox.
2. User Profile URL been upgraded. Now you can view a user's profile by entering:-
(later I will shorten the url to http://www.mychub.org/gemukchub)
3. Partystaff bugfix - the "back" link have been changed to javascript:history.back(). So that it can better integrate with the new URL and and other modules.
MyChub.ORG is nearly complete!!!
MyChub.ORG 4.5.1a Upgrade
This means that :-
1. Faster - a new caching alogarithm embeded in the new version enable users to view the dynamic content on the fly.
2. Stable - fixes the security hole found in the older version of mambo.
3. Updated - latest modules develop for the mambo system can now be integrated into the design of the site.
Other than that, I've also added a search engine for member profiles.
- This powerful feature enables users to search members, view their profiles and even message users without going through the slower browsing profile method.
Finally, I've updated the Private Gallery module so that "paid" users can send virtual E-Card using the pictures within the gallery. I've also categorized the galleries into sub-galleries so that we can add-in more pictures without sacrificing the limited viewing space.
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Some backend upgrade...
I've upgraded the backend of the MyChub website. Normal users will not see this, it's just a GUI upgrade for the administrators. Very nice and easier for the management of the site. The frontend of the user section will be added soon. More stuff will be added as soon as I find time for it. The site is nicely evolving to add more interactive module to the site.
I've found a rival group is copying what we are doing. Hehehe.. even bold enough to register under the ORG domain. Poorly, that's the only thing that they know how to do.. copy whatever innovations we have done. What they don't know is the technical skills and modifications that we have done to mychub. MyChub is the best because we know what we do and we put our heart and soul for the improvement the community.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
12 hours later and a full night without sleep....
The coding now is much simplified with just a nickname to be inserted... the rest will be handled by the chat script. The GUI is still pretty crude but I will work on that later... it's just cosmetic change anyway.
Along the way, I've added 4 new greeting card for the MyChub Card section.. and revamped the MyChub Models greeting card to preview Models for Year 2005. The greeting card is now complete... with 2 new raya card and 3 new models card.
I've also made some spring cleaning on the Emerge site since they are complaining that we are above quota. I mean how can I be above quota when I'm only using abt 10MB or less... there is a serious flaw in their system I tell you.
Anyway.. if I have time later this afternoon, I'll be adding a few musical flash card to the Raya card collection. Funky huh!!!
Ok.. over and krohhhzzzzzz ZZZzzzzzzz ZZzzzzzz ZZZzzz zzz zz z......
Javachat script down ! and more bad news...
More bad news of the site module is that Fivio had decided to enable PHP SAFE_MODE = ON. A really nasty option coz it would make the module harder to update but essentially needed to protect from malicious hackers. (Just like what had happened to Emerge) I've finished experimenting with the new Mambo 4.5.1 and was about to upgrade MyChub.ORG to the new mambo core when I got this news. Well back to the drawing board I guess.... I like the new core coz it has a few nifty features like caching options and a sleek admin design.. more controls on the frontpage design and the ability to use different template for different section of the site. Until then, we are still negotiating with Fivio over this matter and rest assured that our security features are among the best in the industry.
A little bit of good news is that Mychub.ORG is helping adikliar (one of the founder of SayangAbang) to set up a new Malaysian Bear site. It will be based on the core mychub module, with a little added creativity and new speciality modules along the way. We hope that it will be a big success and more and more malaysian programmers will join in our effort to make the Malaysian Bears Chubbies Daddies & Chasers a lively scene. We already had enuff of the bullshits and craps from the lamers you-know-who and the you-know-what groups with their lip-sync sing songs routines.